Analyse this… and this… and that…

Generating traffic to your insurance website is one thing, but knowing what visitors do when they arrive is another. If you want to improve your online marketing and make tactical changes to your website to generate more business, it is important to use a tool like Google Analytics. What is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is […]

What are autoresponders and how they can grow your revenues

Autoresponders allow you to automatically send a reply to a customer on completion of a form or the sending of an email to a given email address.  You might have come across out of office responders.  Well this is the same thing. But the beauty is, autoresponders can become a very powerful tool to convert […]

Marketing in just 20 minutes a day

Not having the time to attract new clients or business is an easy excuse as we can all “find” other things to be doing (from chasing invoices to looking at the football scores).  Somehow marketing may not seem tangible enough to warrant time on your “To do” list. Paradoxically, one thing we all answer when […]

Local online advertising options

One of the main things that leapt out at us with a survey we carried out recently was the need for help trying to find and attract a local client.  With search engines and social media, you do have the ability to laser target an audience.  Here are three ways you can do that right! […]

Is your site ready for traffic?

You may have had your company website for a while and it has been neglected or maybe you have just launched your first company website. Whatever your position, and before you go and spend lots of money on a marketing campaign – you need to ensure that your website is working as it should do. […]