Using WordPress to build your mobile website
If you run a business with an online presence, having just one website is no longer enough. These days, you need to have both a desktop version and a mobile version (or just one version that works on both by being built on responsive design). If you are about to launch a website and you […]
How Google’s new changes may effect your business
As any online business owner knows, Google is forever updating its algorithms. It does this for a very good reason: to constantly improve the high-quality results its users demand. But every large update brings about a collective intake of breath as website rankings across the world are simultaneously affected – sometimes for the better, sometimes for […]
Why is PR so important?
PR has long been essential for businesses in every industry. So why is it so important and why might you want to use it for your insurance business? If you have not made use of PR in the past, there is a good chance you could benefit from it. Here are a few reasons why […]
Local SEO ideas for insurance brokers
SEO is one form of marketing that insurance brokers have to take seriously in order to stand out in the competitive online environment. Many potential customers will head to the search engines when they start looking for insurance products, and you want to ensure that it is your website they find. If you are targeting […]
Third Party Links – what are they?
One of the things we have noticed at lot of so far this year with new site audits, is sites that have included links to third party services. Now while this tends to be common in the insurance and finance space, the way they are being used is not helping you, the customer or the […]