Google AMP Pages
Google quietly released AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) at the same time as it closed GoogleCompare and also removed the right hand pay per click ads from its search results page, so you could be forgiven for failing to see the launch of AMP. AMP is an open source project backed and supported by Google, which […]
Link building is still a key ranking signal
If you are trying to get your site ranking higher in Google, then one activity you will still need to factor into your marketing mix is link building. Link building is still one of the major SEO factors to help get your site more exposure but it is also one that can lead to a […]
The two things every website needs before any marketing should be carried out online
If you are considering spending money advertising online, you need to make sure both you and your website have the two main elements required to ensure you can track spend and prove the money you are spending is working. These elements are: Tracking system for analytics Trackable calls to action or identifiable forms to allocate […]
Marketing automation and WordPress – Top 5 plugins for helping to manage your online marketing efforts
One of the main benefits we recommend that insurance brokers use WordPress to power their websites is the number of useful add-ons such as plugins it offers. These can help automate part of their marketing activity, so you not only have a website but you have one that works for you harder than most. Here […]
Benefits of using review sites
There have been a number of highly covered stories about the downsides of using Review sites, from fake reviews, to unreasonable rants, to online confrontations between customers and owners, which have hit the headlines. These tend to be published on sites without any real verification that the reviewer is a patron or even a real […]