Using Google Adwords to help you at renewal time

During renewal time, if you are simply sending out letters to your clients with a renewal quote, and hoping to get a reply, you might be missing a few opportunities to remind them you provided their insurance 12 months ago. We are not advocating you stopping sending renewal letters or emails, but if your renewal […]

The 7 myths of online marketing with Facebook and Google

From a marketing point of view, Facebook and Google are the mainstays to help drive substantial amounts of traffic to insurance businesses.  Both companies have “perceived” free options and paid options.  Let’s look at both sites, their offerings, and bust some myths about driving traffic. Facebook Facebook have two distinct options to drive traffic.  Engagement based activity and […]

What should you do with those leads and calls when they start coming in?

Simply saying your website doesn’t work because you cannot tell if it has sent you any calls or email enquiries doesn’t mean it is your website’s fault. In fact, in this day and age it is much easier to store and report on website activity – and yes. that even includes tracking telephone calls from […]

Why isn’t your online marketing working?

Online marketing can one of the best ways to attract traffic to your site, it can also be a great way to spend a lot of money with little or no return. If you feel that your online marketing isn’t working – why is that? Here are a few ideas why you could be wasting money… […]

The questions you should be asking your marketing company

I recently spoke at a small gathering of insurance professionals about online marketing and during the Q&A session at the end, it dawned on me that: there are companies who are heavily reliant on their marketing agencies yet they are not really sure what they are paying for or what they are going to get. […]