Educating site visitors with multi part email courses
Insurance products can get quite complicated and this is one thing that switches people off faster than anything else. So finding a way of making something easy to digest is always a good thing. Multi-part email courses are one technique that most internet marketers use to build a mailing list. This in itself is a […]
Finding Content for your Blog or Marketing efforts
Want to add some news content to your site to keep it fresh and up to date but not sure where to start? Thinking of things to write about consistently can take us just as long as the writing itself. So, how can you automate part of the researching and thinking elements of the process? […]
Insurance content for your website
Adding unique content to any website is one of the most important components you can have to attract new business, visitors and search engines to your website. With insurance websites, providing access to the most up to date news and insurance content will be a great way to attract new clients and business to your […]
What does your website do for you?
This is a bit of a loaded question, as I know from speaking to most brokers what the answer is already – and it ends in “all”. That said, the reason for this could be many fold: the designer didn’t have a proper brief; the website designer didn’t understand insurance; you, the business owner, didn’t […]
A second website for your business
You might already have a website for your business but it could be that it is hard to use; an old site that you no longer have access to; or you are tied to the current provider for a few more years, yet you want to take advantage of the changes going on online to […]