Finding content ideas

Two things that brokers appear to struggle with is: updating their website content; finding stuff to write about. one is related to the other.  Here are some ideas to help get the creative juices flowing and get a wide range of article ideas and sources together. Finding stuff to write about Search engines and social […]

Insurance content marketing in 2019

There are many reasons why you should be using content as a significant part of your marketing strategy this year. Content helps: educate your potential customers; engage with potential customers on the platform of their choice; position you as an authority within your industry; generate traffic to your website from multiple sources. But what kind […]

Making the switch to commercial lines

Simply changing your marketing and sales messages from personal lines to commercial is not going to help drive you any more business. While insurance is insurance, commercial insurance will involve a lot more hand-holding, and with online marketing, you need to make sure that you maximise the effectiveness of your web processes to ensure you […]

HubSpot Consultancy for B2B insurance or commercial lines

We see lots of local brokers moving from more commodity-based personal insurance and switching to commercial lines. While it is all clearly still insurance, commercial insurance has a different requirement for engagement from initial enquiry to sale. This doesn’t happen in one linear journey. The web journey for commercial insurance needs to be managed, and […]

Customer reviews can be the cornerstone of your marketing

Are you looking at ways to get more referrals more social profit better rankings higher converting PPC ads One way we suggest clients do this is with an independent review platform, but with so many to choose from and all kinds of different potential issues. Some platforms allow anyone to leave a review – yes […]