PPC – so you’ve got a visitor – now what?

Pay per click (PPC) marketing is great in that you pay money and you get traffic.  Simple! As an easy starting point, lots of businesses use PPC as they can understand it.  Well, at least the basics anyway. PPC is a great way to drive traffic quickly to your site to see how well it […]

Local online advertising options

One of the main things that leapt out at us with a survey we carried out recently was the need for help trying to find and attract a local client.  With search engines and social media, you do have the ability to laser target an audience.  Here are three ways you can do that right! […]

Pay Per Click – Is it too late?

For those out there that may have thought about pay per click (PPC) but never taken it further because they think there are no opportunities left or that costs are sky high and only something the big boys can do, then read on. You may have heard horror stories of companies that have spent thousands […]

Are you picking the online low hanging fruit and marketing your business?

Recent conversations with a number of potential clients has made me think about what they are trying to achieve and everyone right now seems so focused only on SEO and Google. They ask: Can you help me improve my Google rankings? Can you get me on page one for these five keywords? Can you guarantee […]

Is your site ready for traffic?

You may have had your company website for a while and it has been neglected or maybe you have just launched your first company website. Whatever your position, and before you go and spend lots of money on a marketing campaign – you need to ensure that your website is working as it should do. […]