Online marketing can one of the best ways to attract traffic to your site, it can also be a great way to spend a lot of money with little or no return. If you feel that your online marketing isn’t working – why is that? Here are a few ideas why you could be wasting money…
You are looking in the wrong places.
While it easy to be told Facebook is a great low cost way to drive traffic (and it is) it could be your target audience are not there, or you are not focusing your targeting. So while simply advertising on Facebook might attract a lot of traffic, it might not be the right traffic.
You are not looking hard enough.
Continuing the Facebook theme, you should drill down your target audience by creating a target persona, who they are, what they like and you can use this to make sure your advertising is only displayed to those people.
In this way you are focusing your ad spend and getting in front of those people that are more likely to buy. Yes, you might then only get to advertise in front of 1,500 people, but those will be much more likely to engage in the right way with you.
You are sending them to the wrong place.
Sometimes one of the easiest ways to make a big impact on your marketing is to look at where you are sending your advertising traffic. If it is all going to the homepage, this could be one way you are missing out and losing traffic. Look to create dedicated landing pages to speed up the buyer journey so visitors can easily see where to go next and what to do.
You are not tracking activity.
Yes you are buying in traffic, but do you have analytics or tracking in place to monitor its effectiveness? If not, then you are really only doing half a job. Without tracking it will be impossible to understand what is working and what is not. Get something installed. Both Google Analytics ( and GetClicky ( are free analytics tools you can setup to track all of your marketing activity. There is no excuse not to have analytics running on your website.
You will be able to track practically everything.
Hopefully this will give you some food for thought. Take a step back from your marketing and figure out why it is not working. Simply saying this form of marketing doesn’t work for you is not only lazy but longer term, could be costing you business as it could be working for your competitors if they are using it slightly differently.
So, by reassessing your online marketing, you should be able to re-engineer your marketing efforts and get it back on track.